It’s time for the 20th Annual Junction Hill Food Drive! The food drive will begin 11/28 and end on 12/14. We are going to use the point system again this year to inspire some competition. Instead of counting the number of items, we are going to use a point system for the different types of items that are donated. A point list is provided below. Students are to take the items to their homeroom teacher or it can be dropped off during the student drop off time in the mornings. Food that is brought in or dropped off should be bagged or boxed and labeled with the child’s name and class so that points can be awarded.The class with the most points in the elementary and the most in middle school will win a donut party supplied by PTO. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Amanda Jens.
*Ham/Turkey =25 pts.
*Laundry Soap(regular size)/Large Pkg. of Toilet Paper (12 roll)=10 pts.
*Large boxed items (cereal, Hamburger Helper, large desserts, small packs of toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste=5 pts.
*Canned goods, mac and cheese, Ramen noodles, cake mixes, brownie mixes, other small food items, toothbrushes, bar soap, dish soap, etc.=1pt.
*Cash Donations-$1=1pt.
Please do not send in out of date items as points will not be awarded for those.