Junction Hill Back to School Open House will be August 16th from 4 to 7 PM. This is the time when students and families can come in to meet teachers, see classrooms, get lockers, get schedules, and prepare for the upcoming school year. In the next few days, our PK-4th grade teachers will be reaching out to families and making appointments for the 16th. Our 6th-8th grade teachers will not be making appointments. They are expecting drop-in any time between 4 and 7 PM in the gym. For our 5th grade students, we will be having a special 5th grade Open House/Orientation at 6 PM on Monday the 15th. We hope this will help make the transition from elementary to middle school a little less stressful. Thank you for helping us get 2022-2023 off to a good start!

Back to School Open House and 5th grade Orientation
August 1, 2022