
Junction Hill C-12 School District Patron Survey



The Junction Hill C-12 School District would like you to share your opinion on a few important issues.


The survey is being managed by ExcellenceK12, a company that works with school districts on community research. It should take you 2 to 4 minutes to complete.


Please note the survey can only be taken once per device (laptop, tablet, etc.). Also, if you begin the survey and then exit before you have completed it, the system will not let you return later. All your answers will be confidential.


The survey will close May 18, 2022


During the same time as the online survey, several school district patrons will be contacted at random to participate in a phone survey.


We really want to hear from you, so please participate in our online survey and let us know what you think!


Thank you!


There will be a question on the survey asking your geographical location within the district.  The district map below will help you identify what region of the district you reside in for that question




Please view before starting the survey




(Survey Information)

Click here after viewing Map