Junction Hill School Gym
Sarurday, February 10th at 5:00pm
$3.00 Per Paddle
Come Join in the fun, see your favorite vendors, and win some GREAT items for only quarters.
Paddles up! Quarters in! Who's Gonna Win?!
What's a Quarter Auction? Over 20 vendors, win raffling products (minimum $25 value) for only quarters!! A night of socializing, snacks, and great FUN!! If you want to bid on an item, hold up your paddle and toss a quarter in the bucket! If your number is drawn, you WIN! no ties, the prize is yours!
Paddles are $3/each at the door (max 4) OR you can contact me before February 2nd and get 4/$10!!
We are asking every homeroom class to create a themed basket for the action. Your students teacher will decide on the theme. Students will be asked to bring in items based on the theme their class decides on. Items will need to be to school by February 7th